Isolating and Integrating - Foot, Ankle, and Hip

Option A - Wall, hand towel or 2 face clothes
Option B - Chair, hand towel or 2 face clothes

Before you begin, take a moment and pause. For the next 5 breaths notice your surroundings (what do you see, what do you hear, what do you smell). Notice the contact of your body on the surface(s) beneath you.

Follow along with the video, pause and notice what you notice for 5 breaths. 

To close take a moment and voice aloud (I love using my phone’s voice memo feature for this) or write down what 1-3 things stood out for you as a result of today’s Do Different exploration or what are you now curious about? Feel free to use the comments section below. Sharing your discoveries helps me create specific content that is meaningful and helpful to you. 

Please take the time and acknowledge what you discovered or are now curious about. It is important. Doing this is an act of claiming your learning. It allows you to integrate and digest what was different for you.